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Control System 1/4 DIN B-86 (P)
Control System Benchtop B-86 (P)
Feedthrough ... See Feedthroughs
Meter, Air Pressure ... See Handhelds
Pump ... See Pumps
Pressure Switch General Purpose
H-13 (P)
Pressure SwitchHarsh Environments
H-15 (P)
Sensor Thermocouple B-86, B-90 (P)
Switch ... See Switches
System Benchtop Ionization Gauge
B-87 (P)
System Rack Mount Ionization Gauge
B-87 (P)
Vacuum, Transducer
mV Output, Economical PC Mount Vacuum
B-11, B-12 (P)
Voltage Output B-65 (P)
Voltage Output, Economical PC Mount
B-33...B-35 (P)
Voltage Output, Thin Film B-47 (P)
Vacuum, Transmitter
Economical B-52 (P)
Flush Diaphragm B-71 (P)
Heavy Duty B-79 (P)
High Accuracy B-65 (P)
Pressure B-61, B-63 (P)
Anti-Siphon H-24 (E), L-38 (F), 111 (G)
Ball Actuated, OMEGA-FLO®, 2-Way
J-37 (F)
Ball Actuated, OMEGA-FLO®,
Corrosive Media J-37 (F)
Ball, Automated Plastic Diaphragm
J-47 (F)
Ball, Manual On/Off, Full Port J-45 (F)
Diaphragm, Pneumatic Control, Universal
J-39 (F)
In-Line Check H-24 (E), L-38 (F), 111 (G)
Information, Technical Principles
J-3...J-6 (F)
Manual, Ball, Diaphragm J-47 (F)
Miniature, OMEGA-FLO®, Solenoid
L-90 (F)
Needle, Block/Bleed Terminal,
High Performance J-49 (F)
Needle, Hard Seat, High Performance
J-49 (F)
Needle, Miniature, High Performance
J-49 (F)
Needle, Soft Seat, High Performance
J-49 (F)
Positioner, Pneumatic Control J-41 (F)
Pressure Relief
H-24 (E), L-38 (F), 111 (G)
Proportioning, Electronic, NEMA 4
J-43 (F)
Proportioning, Electronic, Programmable
J-43 (F)
Rotameter, Purge Style, Polycarbonate
B-36 (F)
Teflon, 1/4" TFE Compression Connection
B-18 (F)
Teflon, 1/8" FNPT Connection B-18 (F)
Teflon, Glass Hose Nipple Connection
B-18 (F)
Valve, Accessories
OMEGAFLEX® Tubing ... See Tubing
Shielded Cable C-46, L-20 (P)
Unregulated Power Supply
D-28, E-33, E-34, L-7 (E), J-44 (F)
19, 39, 80 (G), R-6 (H),
C-13, L-20 (P), N-123 (T), H-44 (U)
Valve, Pneumatic Control
Air H-101 (E), J-39 (F)
Diaphragm Control H-101 (E), J-39 (F)
Hard Seat H-101 (E), J-39 (F)
High Capacity H-101 (E), J-39 (F)
Soft Seat H-101 (E), J-39 (F)
Steam H-101 (E), J-39 (F)
Water H-101 (E), J-39 (F)
Valve, Proportional
Direct or Reverse Acting L-21 (P)
Electronically Controlled L-19, L-21 (P)
Gas, SS Wetted Parts L-19 (P)
Valve, Solenoid
2 Way Piston Operated PVC L-17 (P)
2 Way Zero Differential Pressure PVC
L-17 (P)
2-Way, OMEGA-FLO® J-17...J-22 (F)
2-Way, Piston OMEGA-FLO®
J-13, J-23 (F)
3-Way, Definite Purpose
H-100 (E), J-36 (F), L-13 (P)
J-15, J-26...J-28 (F)
H-55 (E), L-89 (F)
3/2-Way, OMEGA-FLO® J-31 (F)
4-Way, Definite Purpose
H-100 (E), J-36 (F), L-13 (P)
4-Way, OMEGA-FLO® J-29 (F)
4/2-Way, DIN Rail J-31 (F)
4/2-Way, OMEGA-FLO® J-31 (F)
Aluminum L-13 (P)
Angle Seat, OMEGA-FLO® J-23 (F)
Anti-Water Hammer, Definite Purpose
H-100 (E), J-36 (F), L-13 (P)
Anti-Water Hammer, OMEGA-FLO®
J-17 (F)
Black Mushroom, OMEGA-FLO®
J-13, J-23 (F), L-17 (P)
Brass L-13 (P)
Compact, OMEGA-FLO® J-16 (F)
Corrosive Applications, PVC L-15 (P)
Corrosive Media, OMEGA-FLO®
J-13, J-15 (F)
Definite Purpose, 3-Way
H-100 (E), J-36 (F), L-13 (P)
Definite Purpose, 4-Way
H-100 (E), J-36 (F), L-13 (P)
Definite Purpose, Anti-Water Hammer
H-100 (E), J-36 (F), L-13 (P)
Definite Purpose, Hot Water
H-100 (E), J-36 (F), L-13 (P)
Definite Purpose, Selectable Service
H-100 (E), J-36 (F), L-13 (P)
Definite Purpose, Steam
H-100 (E), J-36 (F), L-13 (P)
DIN Rail, 4/2-Way J-31 (F)
DIN Rail, Pneumatics J-31 (F)
Direct Acting, General Purpose
H-99 (E), J-35 (F), L-13 (P)
Direct Lift, General Purpose
H-99 (E), J-35 (F), L-13 (P)
General Purpose, NEMA 4
H-99 (E), J-35 (F), L-13 (P)
General Purpose, OMEGA-FLO®
J-18, J-19, J-26, J-27 (F)
General Purpose, Pilot-Operated J-33 (F)
High Pressure, OMEGA-FLO® J-21 (F)
Hot Water H-99 (E), J-35 (F), L-13 (P)
Hot Water, Definite Purpose
H-100 (E), J-36 (F), L-13 (P)
Information J-7 (F), L-11 (P)
Low Viscosity, OMEGA-FLO® J-13 (F)
Miniature, OMEGA-FLO®
H-56 (E), J-16 (F)
NEMA 4, General Purpose
H-99 (E), J-35 (F), L-13 (P)
OMEGA-FLO®, 2-Way J-17...J-22 (F)
OMEGA-FLO®, 2-Way Piston J-13, J-23 (F)
H-55 (E), J-15, J-26...J-28 (F)
H-55 (E), J-15, L-89 (F)
OMEGA-FLO®, 3/2-Way J-31 (F)
OMEGA-FLO®, 4-Way J-29 (F)
OMEGA-FLO®, 4/2-Way J-31 (F)
OMEGA-FLO®, Angle Seat J-23 (F)
OMEGA-FLO®, Anti-Water Hammer J-17 (F)
OMEGA-FLO®, Black Mushroom
J-13, J-23 (F)
OMEGA-FLO®, Compact J-16 (F)
OMEGA-FLO®, Corrosive Media
H-55 (E), J-11, J-15, L-89 (F)
OMEGA-FLO®, for Pneumatics J-28 (F)
OMEGA-FLO®, General Purpose
J-18, J-19, J-26, J-27 (F)
OMEGA-FLO®, High Pressure J-21 (F)
OMEGA-FLO®, Low Viscosity J-13 (F)
OMEGA-FLO®, Miniature J-16 (F)
OMEGA-FLO®, Pneumatics J-29, J-31 (F)
OMEGA-FLO®, Steam J-22 (F)
OMEGA-FLO®, Ultra-Pure Media
H-55 (E), J-13, J-15, L-89 (F)
OMEGA-FLO®, Zero-Differential Pressure
J-12, J-20 (F)
Pilot Operated, General Purpose
L-13 (P), J-33 (F)
Pneumatics, DIN Rail J-31 (F)
Pneumatics, OMEGA-FLO®
J-27...J-29, J-31 (F)
Programmable, Timer J-30 (F)
Selectable Service, Definite Purpose
H-100 (E), J-36 (F), L-13 (P)
Selection Guide J-9 (F)
Stainless Steel L-13 (P)
Steam, Definite Purpose
H-100 (E), J-36 (F), L-13 (P)
Steam, OMEGA-FLO® J-22 (F)
Timer, Programmable J-30 (F)
Ultra-Pure Media, OMEGA-FLO®
H-55 (E), J-13, J-15, L-89 (F)
Zero-Differential Pressure, OMEGA-FLO®
J-12, J-20 (F)
Van Stone Style Thermowell
... See Thermowells
Vapor Actuated Thermometers
E-38, E-39, E-40 (T)
Area Flow Meter ... See Flow Meters
Reluctance Sensor Input Board for
IBM and Compatibles
D1-17 (D),(U), R-51 (T)
Size Electrode ... See Electrodes
Speed Pump ... See Pumps
Varnish, Cryogenic T-10 (T)
Buoyancy Sensors K-79 (F)
Level In-Tank Track Mounting System
K-85 (F)
Level Switch ... See Switches
Recorder ... See Recorders
Very High Speed Plug-in Board
... See Computer Boards
Veterinary Implant Thermocouple Probe
A-101 (T)
Vibration Resistant
Pressure Gauge ... See Pressure Gauges
Ratemeter, High Performance
F-71, F-75...F-76 (F)
Vibrations of Shells and Plates
Book, Mechanical Engineering Y-5 (P)
Video, MIT Series,
Calibration, Accuracy & Error
Y-3 (D),(E),F),(H),(P),(T),(U)
Contact Temperature Measurement
Y-3 (D),(E),F),(H),(P),(T),(U)
Distance, Velocity and Acceleration
Y-3 (D),(E),F),(H),(P),(T),(U)
Fluid Quantity and Flow
Y-3 (D),(E),F),(H),(P),(T),(U)
Infrared Temperature Measurement
Y-3 (D),(E),F),(H),(P),(T),(U)
Introduction to Measurement
Y-3 (D),(E),F),(H),(P),(T),(U)
Mass, Force, Strain, Torque and Pressure
Y-3 (D),(E),F),(H),(P),(T),(U)
Measuring Dynamic Variables
Y-3 (D),(E),F),(H),(P),(T),(U)
Vinyl Tipped Probe
Thermistor, 400 Series ... See Thermistors
Thermistor, 700 Series ... See Thermistors
Thermistor, Interchangeable Series
... See Thermistors
Vinyl Tubing ... See Tubing
Virus Protection Software, DOS Based,
IBM PC and Compatibles B-34 (D),(U)
Viscous Flows,
Book, Chemical Engineering Y-4 (F)
Vision Software, Windows Based
B-9 (D), B-9 (U)
Visual Indication
Alarm, Flow F-55 (F)
Pulse Output, Flow Sensor F-55 (F)
Sensor, Flow F-55 (F)
Viton Tubing ... See Tubing
VOC Calculation Manual
Book, Environmental Engineering 174 (G)
Voice Annunciated
Handheld Thermometer/DMM
M-63 (F), 50 (G), R-25 (H), D-83,
K-19 (P), K-81, L-5 (T)
... See Multimeters
Voice Synthesized
Alarm Monitoring System, Auto Dialer
G-13 (D), (U),
R-57, R-58, R-59, R-61 (T)
... See Auto-Dialers
Environmental Monitor
G-11 (D),(U) 117 (G)
Monitoring and Control System M-69 (F)
Monitoring System Section G (D),(U)
Information G-3 (D),(U)
Calibrator ... See Calibrators
Data Acquisition System, Data Shuttle,
C-49 (D), M-45 (F), D-113 (P), C-71 (U)
Meter ... See Meters
Output Pressure Transducer
B-33...B-51 (P)
Recorder ... See Recorders
to Pressure Converter ... See Converters
Voltage Datalogger
Programmable E-14 (D), S-136 (T)
Programmable, with Printer
E-14 (D), S-136 (T)
Voltage Input
Batch Controller ... See Controllers
Module I/O, Interchangeable Solid State
H-67 (D), H-75 (U)
Process Meter ... See Meters
Ratemeter ... See Meters
Scanner ... See Scanners
Totalizer ... See Meters
Voltage Module
Analog Output C-46 (D), C-68 (U)
Computer to Analog Output
C-46 (D), C-68 (U)
Voltage Output
Meter ... See Meters
Signal Conditioner ... See Signal Conditioners
Signal Conditioner, Module
H-37...H-44 (D), H-45...H-52 (U)
Voltage to Frequency Converter, DIN Rail,
Economical H-36 (D),(U)
3 Phase ... See Meters
3 Phase, DIN Rail Q-35 (H),(T)
ac DIN Rail Q-32 (H),(T)
ac/dc ... See Meters
Handheld ... See Handhelds
Vortex, Flow Meter
All Plastic, Corrosive Media G-3 (F)
All Plastic, Low Viscosity G-3 (F)
All Plastic, Ultra-Pure Media G-3 (F)
Gas, High Performance G-4...G-9 (F)
Low Viscosity, High Performance
G-4...G-9 (F)
Steam, High Performance G-4...G-9 (F)
Vacuum, Transducer
Vacuum, Transmitter
Valve, Accessories
Valve, Pneumatic Control
Valve, Proportional
Valve, Solenoid
Vibration Resistant
Vinyl Tipped Probe
Visual Indication
Voice Annunciated
Voice Synthesized
Voltage Datalogger
Voltage Input
Voltage Module
Voltage Output
Vortex, Flow Meter

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